Water peace lily from top or bottom
To care for a peace lily, add plenty of water to the tray every few days, as they are usually thirsty. Avoid pouring water on top of the plant, as it will cause black spots on the leaves. Instead, allow the roots to soak up from below. If you have gone too long without watering, your peace lily will show signs of distress, such as drooping leaves but returning within a few hours. It’s best to add water to the tray in advance, as they can take a lot of water but will run through it quickly.
Another example is a peace lily stuck in a vase with a beta fish, which survived with no soil and only sitting in water. The roots drew nutrients from the water, benefiting both plants and animals. The beta fish lived for three years, demonstrating the importance of watering your peace lily.
Peace lilies prefer low light, preferably indirect sunlight, to prevent yellowing of their leaves. Fertilize them once a month with Beat Your Neighbor fertilizer. As the plant grows, it will become root bound and need to be repotted. The bright white roots will stick out from the pot holes, and the plant will consume more moisture. Place the plant in a larger container with holes in the bottom and add high-quality soil around the exposed roots. Metro-Mix 360 is recommended for its high-grade growing soil. Avoid big-box stores and local garden centers for quality products.
Watering from the bottom is beneficial for many plants, but some prefer it for indoor flowering plants like the African violet. Other house plants like spider plants, philodendrons, peace lily, and crassula also prefer this method. Seedlings are vulnerable to damage from above watering, so they should be placed in a tray of water to absorb the required moisture. This gentler method helps with healthy root development and avoids common watering-related mistakes. Other factors making plants suitable for bottom watering include not wanting crowns wet and dense leaves that struggle to get water down to the soil surface. Watering from the bottom is also best for plants grown in a soilless mix like peat moss or coco coir.
Peace lilies love water and do not like to dry out completely. Feel the soil: The top soil should be dry but it can then be slightly dry to a bit moist below the top soil. It shouldn’t be wet when watering it again.
If the soil is wet or the top soil is still moist – snooze this action, we will remind you again in 2 days.
There are several ways to water Peace lilies – they aren’t very picky. Choose a way that suits you the best:
Pour water over the soil, using, for example, a watering can or put the plant directly under a tap
Continue adding water to the pot until it starts to run out from the drainage holes
If you have a tray under the pot when watering, make sure you remove all the collected water afterwards – never let your plant sit in water
If you watered under a tap make sure that water has stopped running out from the bottom before putting it back
- Fill the plant tray with water
Make sure the soil is in contact with the water on the tray
- Wait for about 10 minutes
Feel the soil to see if it absorbed enough water —> if the soil is moist throughout, remove any excess water from the tray
If it’s still dry —> add more water to the tray
Wait 20 more minutes before removing the excess
Bottom watering doesn’t remove salts and minerals from the soil, so it’s essential to provide occasional watering.
Fill a bucket or any other vessel with lukewarm water
Lower the whole pot down in the water, stop where the stem of the plant starts. Make sure all of the soil is under water
The water will now start to bubble – wait until it stopped
Lift the pot up and let the excess drain off
Put your Peace lily back in the cachepot or on the tray
After 1 hour, check that your plant isn’t standing in water, if it is it might get overwatered and rot
Peace lilies prefer softened or filtered water, as hard water can cause brown edges on their leaves.
How Often to Water a Peace Lily
Peace lilies are a popular houseplant due to their ability to thrive in lower light conditions and are not affected by temperature or humidity. However, they have specific preferences regarding watering frequency. To ensure a healthy peace lily with beautiful white flowers and deep-green leaves, proper watering is essential. The question of watering a peace lily isn’t easy, and a set schedule may not be enough to ensure the healthiest peace lily. Instead, it’s essential to consider the specific watering schedule to avoid accidentally over- or underwatering the plant.
Watering Frequency for a Peace Lily
Understanding the soil preferences of plants, including peace lilies, is crucial for effective watering. Some plants prefer dry soil, while others prefer moist soil. Peace lilies prefer constantly damp soil, so watering when the top few inches feel dry to the touch is recommended. A moisture meter can be used to measure this, as it provides a better understanding of the root ball’s condition and can alert you to drainage problems.
If using a moisture meter, insert the sensor into the soil midway between the plant’s base and the side of the pot. Take a reading of 3 or 4, indicating the plant is ready for water. If the pot and soil drain well, water every 7-10 days. Living in a warm, dry area may require more watering, while in a cooler or more humid climate, less watering may be necessary. Peace lilies may dry out quicker in summer and slower in winter. If you notice drooping and dry soil, it’s a good indication that your plant needs water.
How to Water Your Peace Lily
To water your peace lily, you can use top watering or bottom watering. Top watering involves slowly pouring water into the soil until it drains out the bottom of the pot, then emptying the drainage tray. You can also place the plant in a sink, tub, or shower to drain for a few hours. Bottom watering involves filling a container with water and placing the pot in the water. Check the plant every 10 minutes until the top of the soil starts to feel damp, then let the plant drain thoroughly. Bottom watering is essential to ensure the bottom half of the root ball is hydrated. To keep track of your plant’s moisture level, test the soil every few days with a moisture meter or your finger.
Do you know what is the right fertilizer and light for peace lily?