How do I get my African Violet to bloom again?

How do I get my African Violet to bloom again?

How do I get my African Violet to bloom again? 11 tricks

Encountering a situation where your African violet, known for its stunning blooms, starts dropping them can be quite frustrating. You may wonder what went wrong, especially if the nursery had successfully bloomed the plant. Alternatively, your plant may have been consistently flowering until it suddenly started shedding its beautiful petals. In such cases, it can be challenging to identify the issue when you haven’t made any changes to your care routine.

If we want to answer How do I get my African Violet to bloom again?, we must consider the following:

  1. Provide Adequate Light
  2. Maintain Proper Temperature
  3. Water Correctly
  4. Use Proper Potting Mix
  5. Fertilize Regularly
  6. Maintain Proper Humidity

In the rest of the article, we will discuss the full details of this beautiful flower and the interpretation of each of the above.

If you find yourself in this predicament, there’s no need to worry! There’s a good chance that you can revive your African violet’s blooming cycle with a few helpful tricks. First, let’s understand what is considered normal, and then we’ll explore how to address any issues that may this article, we want to see How do I get my African Violet to bloom again? 11 tricks. This as mentioned has 11 tricks that have different conditions so please know that you have to consider all of them to see your African violet bloom again.

How frequently do African violets bloom?

African violets are adored by many because they can bloom almost all year round when provided with proper care. Each healthy flower can last for two or three weeks, and a content plant can consistently produce new blossoms for 10 to 12 months annually.

How do I get my African Violet to bloom again?Although African violets have a reputation for being a bit finicky, they are quite low maintenance once you establish the right conditions. Gaining more knowledge about caring for African violets will enable you to ensure the success of your plant and achieve perpetual blooming.

It’s worth noting that genetics play a role in the blooming behavior of your plant, which is something you can’t control. Some plants are naturally showy, while others may struggle with blooming throughout their lives.

However, if your African violet has bloomed in the past, there’s a good chance you can encourage even the most bashful plant to bloom again.

Species Condition of Survival Condition of Blooming How to Bloom Again Bloom Time
Saintpaulia ionantha Bright, indirect light Sufficient light promotes healthy foliage growth and encourages blooms Provide bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight. Maintain consistent temperature and humidity. Year-round bloomer
Saintpaulia pusilla Moderate to bright, indirect light Adequate light is essential for growth and blooming Place in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight. Ensure proper temperature and humidity levels. Year-round bloomer
Saintpaulia rupicola Filtered, bright light Sufficient light promotes blooming and healthy growth Provide bright, indirect light with some shade. Maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels. Blooms in spring and fall
Saintpaulia chimanimaniensis Bright, indirect light Adequate light is crucial for blooming Place in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight. Ensure proper temperature and humidity levels. Blooms throughout the year
Saintpaulia confusa Moderate to bright, indirect light Sufficient light encourages blooms and healthy foliage growth Provide bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight. Maintain proper temperature and humidity levels. Blooms throughout the year
Saintpaulia goetzeana Bright, indirect light Proper light exposure promotes blooming Place in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight. Ensure proper temperature and humidity levels. Blooms in spring and fall

Why Has My African Violet Stopped Blooming?

If your African violet has stopped blooming and is not producing new flowers, there may be a few factors contributing to this. Despite African violets being generally low-maintenance plants, they require specific conditions to thrive and showcase their beautiful blooms.

Fortunately, most issues that lead to a lack of blooming can be easily addressed. Let’s explore some common culprits and how you can encourage your African violet to bloom again.

Why Are My African Violet Blooms Dying?

  1. Inadequate lighting:
    Insufficient light can cause African violets to drop their blooms. These plants prefer bright light but are sensitive to heat. During summer, place your plant in a north-facing window or a location protected from intense midday sun. In winter, an east-facing window provides sufficient light without the risk of sunburn.
  2. Low humidity:
    African violets thrive in higher-humidity environments. Grouping your plants can increase humidity, but ensure that the leaves do not touch to prevent pest and disease spread. Placing your pot on a tray of pebbles and water or using a humidity tray can also help.
  3. Insufficient fertilizer:
    Like any living organism, African violets require nutrients to thrive. If the plant has depleted its soil nutrients, it may struggle to bloom again. Regularly fertilize with a gentle formula during watering to provide essential nutrients without harming the delicate roots.
  4. Temperature extremes:
    African violets prefer temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme heat or cold can hinder blooming. Ensure the plant is not exposed to drafts or excessive sunlight. Adjust its placement accordingly.
  5. Improper soil:
    African violets need a well-draining soil mix. If the soil is too dense, it can hinder root growth and nutrient absorption. Use a fluffy, well-draining potting mix suitable for African violets. Testing the soil’s pH levels can also be helpful.
  6. Pests & disease:
    External intruders such as pests or diseases can sap the plant’s energy, making blooming difficult. Learn about common African violet problems and inspect your plant for signs of infestation or disease.
  7. Pot size:
    If you recently repotted your African violet and provided excessive space, it may struggle to bloom. These plants prefer to be slightly root-bound, so choose a pot diameter that is about one-third the size of its leaf spread.
  8. Crowded top growth:
    African violets often develop additional crowns, suckers, or random leaf clusters, diverting energy from blooming. Prune or trim these extra growths to redirect the plant’s energy toward flowering.
    By addressing these factors and following the appropriate care guidelines, you can help your African violet resume its blooming cycle.
  9. Genetics
    The success of our houseplants depends on both nature and nurture, and African violets are no exception.
    Even if you address all the factors mentioned earlier, your African violet may still not produce any or many flowers. This is because genetics play a significant role.
    Some African violets are naturally prolific bloomers, capable of flowering even under less-than-ideal growing conditions. On the other hand, some varieties may be more like divas that require specific care and may never flower as abundantly.
    However, if your African violet has bloomed in the past, there is still hope. With proper care and attention, you can encourage even the most reluctant plants to bloom again.
  10. Insufficient or Excessive Light
    Proper lighting is crucial for the growth and flowering of African violets.
    The goal is to provide bright light in the morning or afternoon without subjecting the plant to excessive heat or intense sunlight.
    Insufficient light is evident when the leaf stems become elongated and the adult leaves remain small.
    On the other hand, too much light can result in dull or bleached foliage. During winter, I recommend placing your African violets near an east-facing window and adjusting their position as the summer temperatures rise.
    Alternatively, you can utilize fluorescent lights for approximately 16 hours a day, ensuring that the plant tops are positioned about 12 inches away from the lights. Remember to rotate your pots by a quarter turn every few days to prevent leaning and promote even growth.
  11. Over or Underwatering
    Mastering the art of watering plants requires practice. Excessive watering can lead to root rot. Insufficient watering can cause plants to dry up and result in dropped flower buds.
    Strive for consistent moisture.
    Ensure that pots have drainage holes.
    Rotate your pots while watering to ensure all the roots receive water.
    If the leaves appear compact, water from the bottom by placing the pot in a deep saucer of water for 30 minutes, then remove any excess water.
    Alternatively, you can set up a wicking system for continuous watering.
Are African violets poisonous to cats?

Medicinal Properties of African Violets

As mentioned, African violets are mainly used for beautifying gardens and decorating tables during festive occasions. However, contrary to many ornamental plants, African violets also possess various medicinal properties. Just by looking at the shape of their petals, one might assume that they are merely decorative flowers with no other uses, but that would be a mistake!

Why isn't my African violet blooming?Different Methods of Medicinal Use of African Violets

  • Dried African Violets

Dried violet flowers can be used to treat a wide range of inflammatory conditions. From common illnesses like the flu and colds to more serious conditions such as asthma, dried violets can be beneficial. However, for the treatment of certain diseases, they are not used alone and are often combined with other herbal remedies to achieve the desired results.

  • Lavender Oil

Like all plant-based oils, lavender oil is derived from the leaves and petals of the lavender plant. It possesses numerous medicinal properties, indicating the high significance of this harmless herbal remedy. Here are a few examples:

  1. Beneficial for Skin and Hair Health:
    Lavender oil can be used to prevent hair loss and graying. Additionally, it is used for treating dandruff.
  2. Reducing Stress and Insomnia:
    One of the harmful ways to treat insomnia is through the use of chemical drugs. To avoid this, herbal remedies are recommended. Among them is the use of lavender oil, which can induce a calm and soothing effect, promoting restful sleep.
  3. Treating Colds and COVID-19!
    Similar to dried lavender flowers, lavender oil is also expectorant and can help expedite the recovery from a cold.
  • Lavender Infusion
How to care for African violets indoors?

The leaves of the lavender plant contain alkaloids and flavonoids, which have calming properties. As a result, lavender infusion can help lower blood pressure. Reducing blood pressure alongside stress and restlessness, can contribute to heart health.

What diseases can be treated with lavender?

Benefits of Lavender for the Skin

The leaves of the lavender plant can be used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. The treatment is usually applied topically. Using lavender leaves can also help alleviate itching and skin inflammation.

Care Tips for African Violets

  • Watering:

Before watering your African violet, check the moisture level of the potting soil. If it’s dry, you can proceed with watering. Be careful not to let the water come into contact with the leaves to prevent root rot and flower drop. Also, check the soil drainage to avoid root rot and flower loss. Additionally, using water with high chlorine content can cause leaf burn and inhibit flower production.

  • Temperature

The ideal temperature for maintaining and growing African violets is around 16 degrees Celsius. It can tolerate humidity up to 27 degrees Celsius. Avoid exposing African violets to cold air as they are sensitive to low temperatures, which can slow down their growth. On the other hand, in hot weather, the plant tends to elongate, and its leaves may become dry, leading to flower drops.

  • Light

African violets require bright, indirect light for growth and blooming. You can also place the plant under artificial lighting. Rotate the plant pot once or twice a week to ensure all parts receive equal light exposure.

  • Soil and Fertilization

Avoid filling the pot solely with soil. It’s better to mix the soil with coconut coir and vermiculite or perlite. Stimulating flower fertilizers are not suitable for African violets. It’s recommended to use African violet-specific fertilizers, which are urea-free and prevent root damage caused by urea.

  • Propagation

Propagation methods for African violets include sowing seeds, leaf cuttings, and dividing the plant. In a laboratory setting, tissue culture is also used for propagation.

  • Potting

Depending on the plant’s growth, consider repotting the African violet after 6-12 months, preferably in early spring.

Pests and Diseases of African Violets

  • Powdery Mildew

A white fungal growth on leaves and flowers weakens the plant. Use fungicides such as carbendazim and spray the affected areas.

  • Thrips

Thrips are common pests that lay eggs within the plant tissues, causing damage. To prevent their spread, separate the infested plant from others and remove all flowers. If the infestation persists, use insecticides.

  • Leaf Tip and Margin Browning

Excessive fertilizer, soil salinity, and improper water pH can cause this condition.

  • Brown Spots on Leaves

Excessive light can lead to the formation of brown spots on leaves and flowers. The best light for African violets is bright indirect light.

  • Yellowing or Whitening of Leaves

Magnesium deficiency and intense light can cause discoloration of leaves. Avoid placing the plant in direct sunlight. Use specialized African violet fertilizers for proper nourishment.

  • Blackening of Leaves

If chemicals are used to achieve shiny leaves, over time, the leaves may turn black.

Why isn’t my African violet blooming?

One of the reasons for the lack of blooming in African violets is the deficiency or absence of fertilizer in the soil.
As mentioned, not properly addressing the fertilizer issue can cause the African violet to not bloom or have faded and pale leaves and small, lackluster flowers.

  • Pests of African Violets

Powdery mildew: This is a fungal disease that affects the plant’s leaves and flowers, weakening the plant. Using fungicides such as carbendazim can help control it.

Cyclamen mites: It is almost impossible to eradicate these mites once they infest the plant. It is recommended to separate the affected plant from other nearby plants.

Tips for increasing the lifespan and rejuvenating African violets:

  1. Trim back faded flowers and old stems to promote further growth.
  2. Keep the plants elevated above ground level.
  3. Avoid direct moisture on the leaves of African violets, and spraying water directly on their leaves is not recommended.
  4. Choose an appropriate pot for your beautiful flower. If the pot is larger than the plant, it may delay flowering.
  5. The ideal material for the pot of African violets is plastic since this plant is sensitive, and a ceramic pot can create cold stress due to temperature absorption.
  6. Spring is a suitable season for repotting African violets.

Growing African violets at home using artificial light:

It might be interesting to know that African violets have been a popular and well-known houseplant for nearly 100 years, and their cultivation has thrived over the years.

In recent years, many people have been able to grow African violets without the need for natural sunlight by using plant grow lights!

When do African violets bloom indoors?

How do growth lights facilitate photosynthesis in plants?

These lights are made with full-spectrum LEDs that provide the necessary light spectrum for plants, allowing them to grow even without natural sunlight!

While many flowers require constant care to bloom continuously, African violets are an ideal choice for beginners in the realm of gardening and plant care.

However, given the wide variety of African violets, even experts in the field can be bewildered!

Choosing an African violet from its diverse range

The shape of African violet leaves and flowers, as well as their color and size, can vary greatly.

The foliage of these plants can be round, slightly pointed, ruffled, velvety, or smooth. Some African violets even have leaves that are white or pink on the back, varying from light green to purple.

The diversity of African violet flowers is also extensive. They can be white, pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, or even golden! Additionally, the flowers can have veins, spots, or various-colored edges.

When selecting and purchasing a plant for indoor keeping, consider the following: Look for a plant with a symmetrical shape, healthy green and sturdy leaves, and numerous flower buds.

Avoid selecting a plant with thin and delicate leaves, wilted leaves, or brown spots. Also, avoid plants that show signs of pests. Such plants may wither faster once brought home.
It is better to choose a plant with a few blooming buds and a high number of unopened buds.

Light and temperature requirements for African violets’ growth:

African violets require bright and adequate light to bloom and thrive. However, be cautious as these plants cannot tolerate intense and direct sunlight, as it can scorch their leaves.

African violets grow and bloom best in an environment with a temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 18 to 24 degrees Celsius).

Why is it better to use artificial light for growing African violets?

African violets grow best in windows facing south, east, or west during the winter season. It is also recommended to move the plant away from the proximity of glass windows during very cold nights and place it in an area with a temperature above 13 degrees Celsius.

Growing African violets at home using artificial light:During the spring season and on days with intense sunlight, it is better to move African violets to a cooler location. East-facing or even north-facing windows are suitable choices.

Rotate the pot every few days to ensure even growth of all parts of the African violet.
These three points indicate that using plant growth lights is better for growing African violets.

In this way, you have control over the intensity and duration of artificial light. There is no need to constantly move and rotate the pot. Nowadays, many people use plant growth lights to have evergreen and blooming plants throughout the year.

Even if you want to grow your African violets with sunlight, it is still better to use a plant grow light as a supplemental light source. This is because, during the winter season and unfavorable weather conditions, you will need artificial light.

To ensure the best watering practices for your African violets, follow the steps below:

Only water your plant when the soil surface has dried out. The pot may also feel lighter. Never water the plant when the soil surface is still moist.

  • Use appropriate fertilizer

Use water that is at room temperature. Cold water acts as a shock to the roots and can cause leaf spots.

Let the water sit overnight in a container to allow the chlorine to dissipate. After the chlorine has dissipated, use this water for watering your African violets.

Avoid using water that is too soft and high in salinity for watering this plant. (Soft water refers to water that has been treated to remove minerals.)

You can water your plant from the top or the bottom by filling the saucer beneath the pot. Whichever method you use, ensure that the entire soil in the pot gets wet. If watering from the top, avoid getting the leaves wet.

Make sure to empty the saucer beneath the pot and do not let the plant sit in water for more than 30 minutes.

To prevent leaf spotting, dry the wet leaves before exposing them to light again after watering.

Following these steps will help ensure proper watering for your African violets and keep them healthy.

Better Flowering and Care Tips for African Violets

To promote better flowering in your African violets, you can use a small amount of liquid fertilizer with a very low concentration during each watering.

Every 4 to 6 weeks, give the plant a thorough flush by rinsing the pot with water.

If your plant is dry and withered, never fertilize it. First, water the plant to bring it back to its initial state, and then you can resume fertilizing.


In this article we discussed How Do I Get my African Violet to bloom again there are 11 tricks but we mentioned more than 11 tricks. We need to understand that all the tricks can help us to estimate how blooming can happen and it is so important to know all the things that are related to it.

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