How to store Begonia Tubers over winter UK?
How to store Begonia Tubers over winter UK? Hello there plant lovers, hope you having a great time.
Today we are going to talk about Begonias and how they can tolerate cold.
No matter what kind of Begonias you have, they are not going to withstand freezing cold and they require some special care so that they can stay alive.
If you are living in warmer environments and winters in those areas are not prone to freezing cold, you don’t need to Overwinter your plants.
But if you are living in cold and near freezing locations such as northern climates, you need to overwinter your Begonia plants in order to save them from dying.
Overwintering Tuberous Begonias
If you have Tuberous Begonias, you need to dug them up and store them indoors when the first light frost has landed. Store them until next year or until the time that weather is not freezing cold.
You need to thoroughly dry them out by wrapping them in newspapers, it will take about a week to complete. Once they have dried, you can cut off every leave foliage, then shake off the remaining soil on the roots.
But when you do this there is always a possibility that your plant`s roots get infected !! however, using sulfur acid prior to storage will keep them away from harm, after you done that put them a cardboard and keep them in cold, dark and dry location.
If you are keeping your Begonias in pots, you can easily take them inside and put them in cold, dry and dark location and let the soil dry out, because they only can be stored as long as the soil remain dry.
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